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Northern Contracting Solutions
Call Peter Pervan
(905) 649-3535
Northern Contracting Solutions

Join our Preferred Contractor's List

If you are interested in becoming a subcontractor for Northern Contracting Solutions, please fill out the following application.

Sub-Contractor Application

All fields with an * are required
Company Name:
Trade or Industry:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Alternate Phone Number:
Email Address:
Contact Person and Title:
Estimator Name:
Estimator Email:
Estimator Phone Number:
Are you a member of any
trade union:
Yes No
Are you a member of any city/provincial construction association:
Yes No
How long have you been in business:
Please describe your geographical
area of operation:
Are you bonded:
Yes No
Are you insured:
Yes No
Are you available for retail
store service work:
Yes No
Please list the three largest projects (name and location)
your company has worked on in the last 3 years:

List your three most prevalent repeat clients
(company name, contact name and phone number):



1820 Concession Rd #6, Uxbridge, ON, L9P 1R4